BOC Road Commission Ad Hoc Committee - April 26, 2024

Today's meeting was following up on the 2/6/24 meeting reviewing the Road Commission HR Audit conducted by the BOC.  Inaccuracies in the I-9 reporting were identified and corrected going forward.

Discussion about the 2022 Financial Audit was had.  Page 53 of the Road Commission Study, Auditors identified " Delays in the audit process occurred as a result incomplete bank reconciliations."  As a bookkeeper myself, this stood out to me.  The 2022 Audit was completed July 28, 2023. 

"Management's Response: Additional resources will be used to address this finding in fiscal year 2023."  I look forward to seeing the 2023 Audit.

Click here for today's meeting minutes and attachments. BOC Road Commission Ad Hoc Meeting

My new take-away was the ability for GT County residents to report road problems and request potholes to be fixed.  Go to GT County Road Commission Web Site and click on "Report a Concern"

The full BOC will take a vote on May 15th regular meeting to determine whether or not to pay for a feasibility study to be conducted by the Road Commission and MDOT.  Please attend if you are interested in getting the roads fixed.

Linda Maginity - Candidate for GT County Commissioner District #1

Please Vote for me and I will continue to keep you informed as best I can.


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