
Showing posts from August, 2024

Coffee with the County - Green Lake Township - 8/26/24

Very interesting meeting today. I shared with the other commissioners that Nate Adler quoted $200M for the proposed new county services campus. The commissioners tell me we're nowhere near ready with the planning and design to talk costs yet. I believe the residents  of GT County are more concerned with the conditions of the roads than the comfort of county employees. Yes, facilitates need maintenance, but they function well now. I don't see where it's necessary to spend tax payer $'s for the comfort and convenience of county employees when our roads go neglected for decades! Nate also said the County had the money for this project and that he wouldn't have to raise property taxes to fund it.  Then when I suggested we use that money to fix the roads first and put the county services campus on hold until the roads are repaired, he then said he would need a bond to pay for the campus.  Excuse me, isn't a bond increased property taxes? Please see my post about the

Aug. 9th Special BOC meeting for GT County Road Commission mileage renewal request

 On Aug. 9th I attended the Special BOC meeting to discuss the GT County Road mileage renewal request.  After which I drove around District #1 and took 82 pictures of our crumbling roads.  You can see all of the photos on my Facebook page.   Crumbling Roads photo album These are 82 photos I took yesterday after the BOC Special meeting. I didn't have time to drive every residential road in the district. Residents know all too well these crumbling roads and have asked me to focus on this, so I am. Please send me a photo of the crumbing road in front of your house if its not here. Time to make some noise people! Jim Horn of Traverse Talks Podcast wrote this meeting transcript: In a recent Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners meeting, the discussion on the road millage proposal drew significant attention from township officials and residents, many of whom expressed deep concerns about the allocation of funds and the deteriorating condition of local roads. Dean Bott, the tr