
Showing posts from June, 2024

Vote411 What's on your ballot... my answers.   I'm not entirely certain where the glitch happened, but I wasn't able to answer these questions on the form that was submitted, so here they are for you now. Describe your background, experience and qualifications for this office and the reasons why you are running for it.  I’ve been a self-employed bookkeeper/business consultant for the past 30+ years. My volunteer work includes serving as a Cub Scout leader and Pack Treasurer for Pack #19. I remained as treasurer for years after my son left Scouts, until the pack found a replacement. Additionally, I and other residents have worked together to oppose the locations of the adult book store (small win), the location of the full nude strip club (failed), and most recently, the location of a tire service & tow yard (TBD), all in Blair Township. I also volunteered with “Voters Not Politicians” as an educator, giving presentations in NW lower MI to teach voters about gerrymandering and why we need

Green Lake Township M-Dot Meeting - 6/18/2024

 I attended the second Public Meeting for the US-31 Rebuilding Project yesterday evening.  It was very informative, and a much needed project for District #1.  That's not to say it isn't without citizen concerns.  If you didn't get a chance to attend this meeting, please click here  US-31 Rebuilding Project  for the information and access to the public comment form to share your thoughts.   I have two concerns, one of which the County Road Commission can address and that's the detour on Riley Road.  I first saw this road 45 years ago, my Grandparents-In-Law lived on the corner of Riley & Gonder.  It's always amazed me that this road keeps being patched as it continues to sink into the swamp.  I cannot image what 2 years worth of US-31 detour will do this this already fragile road.  I hope the GTCRC plans on rebuilding this road when the M-Dot rebuild project is completed. Secondly, there will not be any pedestrian stop lights in the intersection.  I know in the

GT County Road Commission 6/13 Meeting - My observations - Where'd the money go?

"I'll be the first to admit, I have a lot to learn about local government, but what I do know is how to manage a business. Businesses and municipalities such as this need their board of directors or board of commissioners to approve their budget and report to them when actual income and expenses deviate from the budget. Since the only financial reports available publicly are from 2022, that is where I started. In the 2022 budget, they planned on spending $3.4M on snow removal, but actually spent $2.5M. The GTCRC employees could not answer to my satisfaction where the $900k "Mother Nature" savings went. One said it was spent on operations and sand, the other said it was still in the bank account. When I look at the 12/31/22 Balance Sheet, the cash on hand was $10,972,125. Why do they keep asking for more taxes when "Mother Nature" gifted them $900k in the '21/'22 season? I'm looking forward to seeing the 2023 Audit which should be available next

GT County Special Meeting Thursday June 13, 6-10PM (click on read more for proper formating)

 At the 6/05 BOC meeting during the report from the GT County Road Commission, they announced a Special meeting for the public to attend on Thursday 6/13 from 6-10 PM.  To save you time, the report starts at time stamp 3:05.  Big thank you to Linda Pepper for alerting me to this meeting.  It's not easy to find the GTCRC calendar.   BOC General Meeting 6/05/24 The 2022 audit was finished July 2023.  We've not yet seen the 2023 Audit.   GTCRC 2022 Audit GTCRC 2023 Budget GTCRC Snowfall Data       Actual & Budgeted costs are based on a 12 month calendar year, snowfall amounts are reported per season.  We are trending below average for the past 4 years.   So, over these past years we've seen a lot of growth, which means increased tax revenue for the GTCRC and less snowfall which means lower costs.  What have they spent the savings on?  When will the 2023 audit be finished?  How much did they spend on the Hartman-Hammond Road study?  Would you rather spend that money ($100+

BOC - 6/5/2024 Twin Lakes Park

Traverse Talks - A Podcast This podcast is a nice short summation of this very passionate meeting.  The Commissioners took up details in a closed meeting.  The vote was 6-3 in favor of objecting the offer to transfer the property back to the county.  This now becomes a legal battle that will cost taxpayer money.  Listen, read and watch and draw your own conclusions.   BOC 6/5/2024 Meeting Minutes BOC 6/5/24 Meeting Video